Friday, October 4, 2019

Ranger Cookies

In the door
With a burst of energy
And excitement
From a day at school

And eager to rush
Out to play
With friends one
Of a score of
Imaginary games
In the era of
Free range children

On the counter
Still warm
With an unmistakable
Aroma and taste that
Called out for a handful

Mom had fresh
Baked cookies awaiting
Our arrival home

Oatmeal, sugar, flour
Butter, eggs and a full portion
Of love

They were Ranger cookies.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Lanyard Man

Walking en masse
In and around the
Corporate campus

Nearly indistinguishable
One from another

Plain, monochromatic
In appearance, with
A gait that suggests
Personalities to match

Each morning
Dressing, then
Out of their home
For the bus ride
To work

The last
Adornment before
Departure is the
Ritual draping of
A workplace name badge
And lanyard around his neck

He is Lanyard Man